Formosa Lilly Dallas Taiwanese Women's Association


  會 長:
李美雯  972-332-0101

王仲明  972-234-1636



DTWA's Event Pictures Gallery

Visitor Counter


年會- January 3, 2010

時 間:  Jan. 3 Sunday at 5:30 PM
地點E Buffet 14215 Coit  Rt.# 128,Dallas, TX 75254, Tel: 972-701-8898
(E Buffet 位於Coit的路旁,於Belt Line RD 和 Spring Valley Rd 的中間,  在 EL RANCHO supermarket 隔壁, 在 Bueno 餐廳的後面。)
收 費: 大人每人 $13元,倆人25元, 3-10歲  $6.00,3歲以下免費。
活動:  1. 
個人或 雙人以上拍照
新舊任 會長副會長交接
          3.  摸彩 
          4. 特別節目:
  感謝陳美芳&吳素梅將為我們演唱" You Raise me up", 大家拭目以待喔。
若是你願意為年 會抽獎樂捐獎品, 我們非常的感謝.
Click here for 會 長的話

東部訪問之旅 (pictures)

Click here for completed article

Click for completed article

June 20th Seminar

Subject: "The Women of Taiwan and Taiwanese Identity Politics"
Time: 6/20/09 from 2:00PM to 5:00PM
Parr Library Public Conference Room  Change to
      台 心合唱團 練唱的地點: 4222 Trinity Mills Road, #290, Dallas, TX 75287

Ketty W. Chen (background of Ketty) 
More Information about the Seminar
心理諮詢講座 (5/30/09 at 2:00PM)

Subject: 心理講座
Time: 5 月 30 日 下午 2:00 TO 5:00 pm
Place: First Presbyterian Church of Richardson
          319 La Salle Dr. Richardson, TX 75081

DTWA 將與台大校友會聯合舉辦心理諮詢講座,特別邀請 Dr. Teresa Chang 張宏秀博士 為我們演講。希望攜伴來參加,請告訴大家。



三  問題解答

Yard Sale on May

DTWA在有限的經費下,有想要用Yard salefundraising一方面讓我 們的活動辦得更有意義,能對邀請的講員微薄表敬意。另一方面也減輕很多家庭 不必要的“貨底”,希望藉著春季大掃除能將家裡的“junk”“dump” 出來。

我們希望能有一些家庭來回應支持,盼望你的回應或電函告 知,你將願意整理一些東西出來donate我們會考量若是很多家 庭願意donate我 們就會來辦這個活動。

Arbor Hills Nature Preserver (4/28/09 Tuesday at 10AM)
Dimassi's Buffer (4.28.09 at 12:15PM)
Activities:  take a walk & have a lunch at Dimassi's Buffet
Place:  Arbor Hills Nature Preserver -- 6701 W Parker Rd, Plano, TX 75093
           Dimassi's Buffet -- 18101 Preston Dr.,
Dallas Tx 75252  Tel : 972-250-2000

四月一日植物園賞花 Dallas Arboretum - 10am to 3 pm.

DTWA is going to hold a bloom watch event at Dallas Arboretum on 4/1/09, from 10am to 3 pm.  Participants need to pay the entry ticket ($9.50) and parking ($5.00). Please ask Chairperson for coupon (buy one get one free). For carpool, all participants will gather before 9:00 in front of 88 Market (for Richardson residents; contact: Ying-Chen Chien 469-688-4280) and May-Hua Supermarket (for Plano residents; contact: Pastor Weng 469-230-3325). We would like the whole group to enter at the same time (10am). Lunch and drinks are not provided, but DTWA will provide each person a 粽子 and refreshment. In case of more 粽子 is needed, please let us know in advance ($2 each). R.S.V.P.

P.S. For ordering traditional Taiwanese dishes, please contact 阿美 972-578-7880
Someone asked me why we will go on Wed.? Because the coupon is only valid on Wed. We are going on Wed. so that the people who work on the weekend can go. Every month we alternate going on the weekend and weekday. 
Thanks for responding this mail ASAP. I appreciate that.
Best Regards

TAA 紅豆核桃糕 及03/21/09 活動相片 (pictures)

謝謝秀玲開放她的農場,讓近四十位同好者沐浴春風,享受人間美味。最讓人讚口不絕的是盧永華傳授有機香 菇的種殖,讓我們有豐富收穫,享受與自然的結合。

在此感謝陳瑞文提供的食譜,及瑛蓁的示範 紅豆核桃糕做法。
1   日本糯米粉一包 ( 一磅裝 )
2    小倉紅豆罐半罐
3      紅豆泥半罐
4      baking powder  1+1/2 tsp   (發粉)
5      walnut              1+1/2 cup  (核桃)
6      白 糖          1TBSP
7     牛 奶           3 cup      whole milk 比較香
將全部材料 1 至 7 拌勻倒入烤盤內 須留一些空間讓糕漲起 以350 度烤45分鐘
****因烤盤有深. 有淺.所以烤的時間也不同. 原責上烤至淡咖啡色用筷子搓一下 觀察筷子顏色即可.

蔬菜耕種經驗心得分享 - 03/21/09 早上11點到下午三點(午餐 potluck)

三月份的活動決定在21日早上十一點在Princeton的一個小農場,舉辦濃場 園藝蔬菜耕種經驗心得分 享,其中有盧永華教導大家如何培養香菇種植,以及黃 秀玲分享多年來的園藝農場 的美夢成真,並參加者提共你們對園藝果菜耕種 的經驗與大家分享,並請參加者提共一道菜午餐potluck。
地點:4739 FM 546, Princeton, TX 75407(黃秀玲的農場)

美容美姿講座 - 02/01/09 下午1點半到四點

今年一月4日在Japan House的年會,很感謝大家共襄盛舉。 感謝DTWA之友的禮物及禮券及 感謝大家的參與及支持, 從問卷中我們發現有多些人很願意成為我們的志工也有人有很好的建議, 這些都是很寶貴的信息. 我們會很珍惜 。
二月1日(週日) 第一次的活動我們將邀請Mandy和Helena為我們做美容美姿講座.Mandy 為我 們做皮膚保養, Helena為我們做彩妝示範講解, 歡迎大家一起來; "給你們好看", 也謝謝她們兩位用她們多年的經驗和我們分享.

地點: 達拉斯台灣基督長老教會(美心餐廳後面),請由教會側門進入(兒童遊樂場旁)
        319 La Salle Dr. Richardson, TX 75081
時間: 2/1 下午1點半到四點

Team Taiwan @ 2008 Komen Dallas Race for the Cure

(A Message from DTWA President, Glora Tsai)

This year's Komen Dallas Race for the Cure is scheduled on Saturday, October 18, at North Park Center. We have formed a team called "Team Taiwan" since early June. I believe we will support this activity as what we always did in the past years! We all had a busy summer. Now the summer is about over. Please spend some time to register for the Komen Race. The procedure to register on-line is following:

1. Go to
2. On the right columns, click "Join an Existing Team" box.
3. Type "Team Taiwan" for Team name, and type "other" for Team division. Then click "Search for a Team".
4. Team Taiwan will show up. Click "Join" on the right and then follow the steps.

會員獻寶交流座 談會 - detail

這是一個會員及家屬的獻寶交流座談會。 大 家以平日生活 的經驗和體會,在輕鬆愉快的氣氛中互 相交換 。
    許慧娟 :          陶 瓷雕塑
    廖玲芬 :          繪畫攝影
    盧永華 :          農 場經營
    林美娜 :          蘿 蔔糕製作
    黃兆銘 :          人 蔘的鑑定與收藏
    陳美卿 :          九 種個性的介紹
    時間: 七月十九日下 午兩點半到五點
    地點: Plano Christopher Parr Library, Program room
              6200 Windhaven Parkway
              Plano, Texas 75093


         Plano Christopher Parr Library, Program room
       6200 Windhaven Parkway
       Plano, Texas 75093

   Session I :
        6/16/2008    10:00 AM – 12:30 Noon      
   Session II :
        6/28/2008    10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
   Session III :
        7/12/2008    10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon
主題探討: 如何處理人生中年期的心裡難題及與子女的溝通
來自台 北佳音電台“快樂到家”“翅膀 上騰”節目製作與主持人林凱沁女士原訂五月十 七日下午兩點到五點在 Plano Christopher Parr Library 為我們 做一個心理健康講座.主題是 如何處理人生中年期的心裡難題及與子女的溝通.林女士 因母親病危,已於四月底回台.十七日的講 座只得取消.請大家原諒.


心理健康講座 - 哀傷情緒

正當同 鄉們為痛失良友張義茂博士而哀悼時,DTWA請到張宏秀博士在四月二十六日下午為我們做 了一個處理哀傷情緒的演講. 張博士解釋失落哀悼過程的四個階段, 悲傷的各種反應和處理的四項必要工作. 張博士並且回答同鄉們的所有問題.

DTWA 2008 ANNUAL MEETING  – 2/23/08  (Pictures)
The 2008 annual meeting was held on Saturday, 2/23/08, at Shui-Wah Restaurant. President Sue Chen conducted a very successful party with about 80 attendees. The activities included taking lovely pictures, reviewing major events in 2007, announcing future events, Taiwan city guessing games and singing a love song together. Everyone had a wonderful time. The president’s baton passed on to Gloria Tsai.


Race for the Cure - 10/20/07 (Pictures)
Susan G. Komen Foundation Dallas Chapter 於 10月20日上午在North Park, Dallas 舉行 "Race for the Cure" 健行活動,支持該基金會繼續在乳癌醫療防治的長期貢獻。達拉斯臺灣婦女會以 "Team Taiwan" 登記組團參加,讓主流社會知道台灣婦女對醫療研究的積極關注。
Line Dance Mini Workshop
- Saturdays, 8/4/07-9/29/07 (Weekly Schedule)
DTWA Health Seminar
- 9/8/07 (Announcement, Pictures in DTWA Album)
達拉斯台灣 婦女會非常榮幸邀請到醫術精湛,名聞遐邇的張欽瑞醫師Dr. Chin J. Chang,為我們此次夏季健康講座專題演講,題目正是與衆家姐妹切身健康息息相關的『更年期前後,婦女如何調適及保健』

DTWA Spring Walk - 3/24/07 (Newsletter, Event Recap, Press Relase, Pictures in DTWA Album)
Dallas Taiwanese Women's Association held its first activity this year at the Arbor Hill Natural Reserve (see picture to the right), starting with a 3-mile Spring Walk followed by an accupressure demonstration by DTWA Vice President, Gloria Tsai.
DTWA 2007 Annual Meeting & Valentine Party - 2/17/07 (Invitation, Pictures1 & Pictures2)
達拉斯台灣婦女會於二月 十七日晚上在瑞華 飯店舉行2007年年會暨情人節晚宴。 


Line Dance Practice - 11/18/06 (Pictures)
In preparation for the upcoming TAA-DFW Lunar New Year Party, DTWA members have been practicing their line dance routines in the past few months.  The Nov 18 practice was captured in pictures.

- Race for the Cure
- 10/21/06 (Pictures)
DTWA again organized this year's TeamTaiwan Race for the Cure event.  Over 20 members and spouses made the 5K walk in excellent weather.  The TeamTaiwan banner was carried throughout the walk with occasional chants of "Taiwan, Go-Go-Go", "Race for the Cure, Go-Go-Go".  The group also sang Taiwanese songs and received words of supoort from other event attendees.

夏 季室內醫學講座 (熟齢皮膚常見的問題及保健) - 8/26/06 (Pictures)
Dr. Wen-Yu Liao gave a seminar on skin care to DTWA members, their spouses and friends. 
廖 文瑜醫師簡介:皮膚科專業醫 師,1986年台大 醫學系畢業,之後留在臺北任職台大醫院皮膚科住院醫師,並 兼任主治醫師。婚後隨夫婿簡志浩醫師遷居新竹,前後任職台灣衛生署新竹醫院皮膚科主治醫師,科 學園區員工診所皮膚科醫師,及衛生署新竹醫院皮膚科主任。

婦女會健行 - 4/1/06 (Map, Pictures)
DTWA organized a 3-mile walk at the Arbor Hills Nature Preserve, located at 6701 W. Parker in Plano.  Attendees were greeted with Spring foliage and ideal weather (temperature between 60 and 70) for the occasion.  After the light workout, a dim sum lunch buffet was held in Richardson.

DTWA Annual Meeting & Valentines Party - 3/5/06 (Flyer, Pictures1, Pictures2 & Pictures3)

DTWA wrapped up a very successful and eventful year with a banquet at the Shui-Wah Restaurant in Richardson.  About 80 attendees came for the event.  The evening activities included taking the traditional Valentine's Day pictures, exchanging love songs between men and women, competing in a puzzle and watching video created by Sue Chang.  Lastly, DTWA president's baton passed from Sue Chang to Peng Wei.

Massaging/Exercising Workshop - 1/15/06 (Announcement, Pictures)

Mr. Walter Huang, a sports injury prevention expert, demonstrated massaging techniques on how to relieve chronic and occasional shoulder and back pains at this workshop.


Beginner Tai Chi Classes - June to October, 2005 (Schedule & Pictures)

As a part of the Dallas Taiwanese Women's Association "Forever Young" activities, the DTWA women and their friends attended regularly scheduled Tai Chi class, taught by Sue Chuang (DTWA member) and her husband, Dr. S.Y. Chuang   Classes were held biweekly in Carrollton libraries from June to October, 2005.

2005 Komen Dallas Race for the Cure - 10/15/05 (Poster & Pictures)

The 2005 Komen Dallas Race for the Cure event was held on Saturday, 10/15/05, at North Park Center in Dallas.  Dallas Taiwanese Women's Association sponsored Team Taiwan this year to join the fight against breast cancer and, at the same time, promote the awareness of Taiwan.

DTWA Mid-Summer Events - 8/6/05 (Pictures1 & Pictures2)

Two events were held on Saturday, 8/6/05, starting with a morning visit to the Nasher Sculpture Center located in downtown Dallas, then an afternoon a cancer-fighting exercise, taught by a visitor from Taiwan.

DTWA Beauty and Health Seminars - 4/23/05 (Pictures)

Two concurrent seminars, one for women and another for men, were held on Saturday, 4/23/05.
    For the Ladies: "Beauty Secrets - from Head to Toe" by Mrs. Winnie Wu
    For the Men: "Men's Health" a discussion with Dr. Kim Yang

DTWA 2005 Annual Meeting - 2/20/05 (Pictures1, Pictures2, Pictures 3 & Pictures 4)

The 2005 annual meeting was held on Sunday, 2/20/05, at August Moon Restaurant in Dallas. Sue Chang was promoted to President of the organization, replacing Yvonne Wang.  Attendees enjoyed a 10-course dinner followed by picture taking of each couple.  Each women received a rose in a belated celebration of Valentine's Day.


2004 NATWA Convention - 4/15/04-4/18/04 (Details and Pictures1 & Pictures2)

The 2004 North America Taiwanese Women's Association Convention was held in Dallas from 4/15/04 to 4/18/04.  About 300 people from all over the US and Canada attended the event.  Guest speakers addressed topics ranging from women's health and family life to career and politics.  "Texas Night" on Friday, 4/16, featured a live band, local and out-of-town singing and dancing talents.  "NATWA Night" on Saturday, 4/17, continued with more dancing programs and entertaining skits.

Dallas TWA's Spring Celebration - 4/3/04 (Story and Pictures)

Dallas Taiwanese Women's Association celebrated the coming of the Spring season by organizing a visit to the Dallas Arboretum on Saturday, 4/03/04.  The attendees enjoyed wonderful weather and were greeted with beautiful blooms.  The day was concluded with a group dinner and reminiscing old songs at the Dallas Super Buffet.

DTWA 2004 Annual Meeting - 2/15/04 (Pictures)

The meeting was held on Sunday, 2/15/04, at August Moon Restaurant in Dallas.  Outoging President, Chia-Whei Hsieh, turned over her reign to the incoming President, Yvonne Wang.  About 80 people attended the event, including Dallas TWA members, spouses and guests.

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