Dear Sisters
Happy Valentines!
It's been awhile since I have seen everyone, I am now back from Costa Rica. How is everything going? Hopefully, we will be able to have some spring weather for next week. We are going to meet at Osaka Restaurant on Feb. 15 at 11:15  for our first time meeting. I would like to have everybody come to contribute their ideas. We will plan the program of this year.
We will start at 11:15 Am to 2:30 PM. 
The address of Osaka is 5012 W.Park Blvd
Plano, TX 75093 
phone # 972-931-8898
We will charge $15.00 dollars for each person, including a buffet lunch, drink, tax and 15% Tip. This is very good deal, you will pay $ 21 dollars if  you go by yourself, but we come with a group, you will save $ 6 dollars per person. Please reserve the date and show up there. Please give me your response. I am looking forward to see all of you.
 Stay safe and warm!

Dear 姐妹們大家新喜
向大家拜個晚年,祝福美麗善良的美女們2011年“兔”飛猛進,祝福 我們美麗島“兔”發吉祥。今年DTWA 於1月22日於Japan House 選出蕭幸美與李美雯為正副會長,很開心 王仲明會計師願意出來擔任我們的財務。今年的團隊很感謝大家,讓我們服務的機會。
年會中決定今年我們每個人收10元,作為我們今年活動的補貼,希望我 們不要因為經費的不足,而裹足不前,我們為了台灣這個美麗的島國,我們要薪火相傳,牽手護台灣台灣,讓 台灣的名浮現於國際。
今年的第一次活動,是Osaka Restaurant on Feb.15 Tuesday, at 11:點15分到2點半,遲到早退都沒有關係,只要你能溜出來。
餐廳住址是5012 W.Park Blvd.,Plano, TX 75093, 電話是972-931-8898 每人費用是15.00 包含飲料與小費。